Gamepedia Help Wiki

These extensions are in use by various wikis on Gamepedia.

  • Default extensions load for all wikis.
  • Allowed extensions can be set to load for those that need them.
  • Forbidden extensions may never be used as they may cause undesirable behavior with the wiki farm setup.

For information on requesting extensions on a specific wiki, see requesting extensions.

List of available extensions

Extension External link Default? GP? Description More info (limit 3 subpages shown)
AbuseFilter Default extensionY Unknown? Allows privileged users to set specific actions to be taken when actions by users, such as edits, match certain criteria.
Approved Revs Unknown? Allows administrators to mark a certain revision of a page as "approved".
Arrays Unknown? Creates an additional set of parser functions that operate on arrays.
AudioButton GitHub Unknown? Creates a one-button play/pause toggle for an uploaded audio file. Example
Babel Unknown? Aids multilingual communication by making it easier to contact someone who speaks a certain language
BoilerRoom Unknown? Allows wiki users to create boilerplate text in the Boilerplate namespace which can then be used on new pages. Creating boilerplates for BoilerRoom, Example, Using the BoilerRoom box
Cargo mw:Extension:Cargo NoN Unknown? An extension that allows for the storage and querying of data contained within templates. attaching tables, customizing tables, Lua example
CategorySkins GitLab NoN Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Apply custom skins to pages according to category membership
CategoryTree Default extensionY Unknown? Dynamically navigate the category structure Example
Category Intersection GitLab Unknown? Displays category intersections in the Intersection namespace.
Character Escapes Unknown? Provides a convenience tag for escaping tags, templates, magic words, and parser function calls nested in tags and parser functions that support character escaping
CharInsert Unknown? Allows creation of JavaScript box for inserting non-standard characters Example
CheckUser Default extensionY Unknown? Grants users with the appropriate permission the ability to check user's IP addresses and other information.
Cheevos GitLab Default extensionY Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Awards achievements to editors for varying levels of accomplishments.
Cite Default extensionY Unknown? Adds <ref[ name=id]> and <references/> tags, for citations Example
ClaimWiki GitLab Default extensionY Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Used for claiming a wiki as a winged guardian to help nurture it into a beautiful flower.
CLDR Unknown? Contains local language names for different languages, countries, currencies, and time units extracted from CLDR data
CleanChanges NoN Unknown? Based on enhanced changes list, but it tries to be more concise by hiding less important information by default.
CodeEditor Default extensionY Unknown? Extends the WikiEditor advanced editing toolbar with an embedded Ace editor widget for editing code
CodeMirror Default extensionY Unknown? Provides syntax highlighting in MediaWiki's wikitext editor.
Countdown Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Allows the placement of a countdown ticker.
CurseProfile Default extensionY Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension A modular, multi-featured user profile system.
CurseTwitter GitLab Default extensionY Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Allows embedding twitter feeds. Example
DeleteBatch Unknown? Adds a special page where users with the deletebatch right can delete multiple pages easily.
Description2 Unknown? Adds a description meta tag for articles automatically based on the content.
Disambiguator Default extensionY Unknown? Adds the tag __DISAMBIG__ to mark disambiguation pages.
DPL3 NoN Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension A highly flexible report generator for MediaWikis Bug reporting and feature requests, Compatibility, Dplchapter
DPLforum Unknown? Displays forum-style layouts
Drafts NoN Unknown? Adds the ability to save a draft of a page on the server while editing
EasyTimeline Default extensionY Unknown? Adds <timeline> tag to create timelines Example
Editcount Unknown? Adds a special page that displays edit counts
EmbedVideo Default extensionY Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Adds a parser function embedding video from popular sources. Example
ExcludeRandom NoN Unknown? Allows pages to be excluded from Special:Random
FlaggedRevs NoN Unknown? Gives Editors the ability to review revisions and stabilize pages Styling
Gadgets Unknown? Provides a way for users to pick JavaScript or CSS based "gadgets" that other wiki users provide.
Header Tabs Unknown? Adds tabs to the page separating top-level sections. Example
HeaderCount NoN Unknown? Adds a simple parser function for obtaining the number of headers, or sections, in a page
HighlightLinksInCategory NoN Unknown? Adds a CSS class to links pointing to members of a category.
Hydralytics GitLab Default extensionY Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Hydra Wiki Platform Analytics
ImageMap Unknown? Allows client-side clickable image maps using <imagemap> tag Example
ImageSizeInfoFunctions NoN Unknown? Return image width and height in pixels. Example
InputBox Default extensionY Unknown? Allow inclusion of predefined HTML forms Example
Interwiki Default extensionY Unknown? Adds a special page to view and edit the interwiki table.
InterwikiDispatcher w:Help:Interwiki link § Linking to another Fandom community Default extensionY Unknown? Solves interwiki links to reduce Apache redirects
JavascriptSlideshow NoN Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Create a slideshow from multiple included div elements Example
Labeled Section Transclusion Default extensionY Unknown? Allows selective transclusion of marked-off sections of text
LinkSuggest Default extensionY Unknown? Provides the user with article title suggestions as they type a link in wikitext.
LocalisationUpdate NoN Unknown? Allows to update the localizations for MediaWiki messages at any time, without needing to upgrade the MediaWiki software.
Loops NoN Unknown? Provides parser functions for performing loops.
LuaCache GitLab Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Scribunto Lua interface for MediaWiki's Object Cache
MagicNoCache NoN Unknown? Creates a new magic word __NOCACHE__ and disables the cache for any page in which it finds it.
Math Default extensionY Unknown? Render mathematical formulas between <math> ... </math> tags
MsUpload Default extensionY Unknown? Enables easy uploads for one file or multiple files simultaneously
MultimediaViewer NoN Unknown? Expand thumbnails in a larger size in a fullscreen interface Styling
MyVariables Unknown? Adds new built-in variables. Example
NoTitle Default extensionY Unknown? Adds a magic word to hide the title heading. Example
Nuke Default extensionY Unknown? Gives administrators the ability to mass delete pages.
Numbertext NoN Unknown? Transforms numbers into words
OpenGraphMeta Default extensionY Unknown? Provides OpenGraph protocol metadata for articles on the wiki for 3rd parties like Facebook to extract.
OreDict GitHub Unknown? An extension that mimics the ore dictionary in Minecraft.
Page Forms Unknown? Allows users to add, edit and query data using forms. Useful css
ParserFunctions Default extensionY Unknown? Enhance parser with logical functions. Example
ParserHooks Unknown? OOP interface for creating MediaWiki parser hooks in a declarative fashion.
ParserPower GitLab NoN Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension A collection of extended parser functions for MediaWiki, particularly including functions for dealing with lists of values separated by a dynamically-specified delimiter. Basic functions and tags, Escape sequences, List handling functions
PDFEmbed GitLab Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Media handler extension for PDF files. Example
Poem Default extensionY Unknown? Adds <poem> tag for poem formatting Example
Popups Unknown? Displays popups when users hover over article links and footnote markers
Europa Infobox Theme Default extensionY Unknown? Enable a new look for your infoboxes to fully benefit from your wiki's color theme!
PortableInfobox w:Help:Infoboxes Default extensionY Unknown? Create portable infoboxes which can be rendered using clean semantic HTML markup on any skin / platform using using easy to understand powerful XML-like markup
RandomImage Default extensionY Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Provides a random media picker using <randomimage /> Example
RandomSelection Unknown? Displays a random option from the given set. Example
RegexFunctions Unknown? Provides regular expression based parser functions.
Replace Text Unknown? Allows administrators to do a global string find-and-replace on both the text and titles of the wiki's content pages.
Reverb GitLab Default extensionY Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Notification system for MediaWiki and Reverb notification service.
RevisionSlider Unknown? Adds a slider interface to the diff view, so that you can easily move between revisions.
Roadblock GitLab Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Provides configuration to display a modal for wikis that have moved.
RSSPie GitLab Default extensionY Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension RSS extension based on the SimplePie library.
Scribunto Default extensionY Unknown? Framework for embedding scripting languages into MediaWiki pages HTML Library usage notes
Scryfalllinks NoN Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Creates Scryfall links from Magic: The Gathering card names.
SEO GitLab Default extensionY Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension SEO improvements, including microdata support.
SimpleSort NoN Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Allows you to sort a list of items, contained in the same string.
SimpleTooltip Unknown? Adds support for basic tooltips.
SlideBoxLightShow Default extensionY Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Displays a slide show that can also pop up into a light box style image gallery.
SpamBlacklist Default extensionY Unknown? Regex-based anti-spam tool
Spoilers Unknown? Adds a spoiler tag that will hide a block of text.
SpriteSheet GitLab Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Defines and displays sprite sheets from uploaded files. Example
SubPageList Unknown? Allows to list and count subpages. Example
Subscription GitLab Default extensionY Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Paid subscription system for Hydra Wiki Platform.
SyntaxHighlight Default extensionY Unknown? Provides syntax highlighting <syntaxhighlight> using Pygments - Python syntax highlighter Styling
Tabber Unknown? Allows to create tabs within a page. Example
TemplateData Default extensionY Unknown? Introduces a <templatedata> tag and an API which together allow editors to specify how templates should be invoked.
TemplateSandbox Unknown? Adds the ability to preview a page using sandboxed versions of templates
TextExtracts Default extensionY Unknown? Provides plain-text or limited HTML extracts of page content
ThanksMeToo Unknown? Adds a quick way to give positive feedback for productive contributions to MediaWiki sites.
Tilesheets GitHub Unknown? Adds a parser function that looks up a table for an item and returns the requested image.
TippingOver GitHub Unknown? An extension allowing editors to create tooltips for wiki links using either wiki pages or uploaded images. Configuration settings, Creating tooltips under default configuration, Customizing tooltip page titles
TitleBlacklist Default extensionY Unknown? Allows administrators to forbid creation of pages and user accounts per a blacklist and whitelist.
Translate NoN Unknown? Special page for translating MediaWiki and beyond
Twiggy GitLab Default extensionY Unknown? Adds the Twig template engine to MediaWiki.
UniversalLanguageSelector NoN Unknown? Allows users to select a language and configure its support in an easy way.
UploadFields GitLab NoN Unknown? Custom Gamepedia extension Add custom fields to Special:Upload to be automatically added to the {{FileInfo}} template on the file pages.
UploadWizard Unknown? Upload Wizard, a user-friendly tool for uploading multimedia.
Variables Default extensionY Unknown? Parser functions allowing to work with dynamic variables in an article scoped context Example
VariablesLua Unknown? Provides support for the Variables extension in Lua modules by the Scribunto extension.
VisualEditor Default extensionY Unknown? Visual editor for MediaWiki FAQ
Widgets Unknown? Allows wiki administrators to add free-form widgets to the wiki by editing pages within the Widget namespace. Community-contributed widgets can be found on
WikiEditor Default extensionY Unknown? Provides an extendable wikitext editing interface and many feature-providing modules.
WikiHiero Unknown? Adds <hiero> tag to display hieroglyphs. Example

Custom extensions for specific wikis

Guild Wars

Guild Wars PvX


World of Warcraft

Removed extensions

Forbidden extensions

  • CSS - bypasses normal restrictions on CSS editing.
  • MultiUpload - Security problems with MediaWiki 1.19+
  • Renameuser - HydraAuth is the new authoritative on accounts.
  • Semantic MediaWiki - Deprecated in favor of Cargo.
  • User Merge and Delete - HydraAuth is the new authoritative on accounts.

Denied extension requests

  • DiscordNotifications (GitLab ticket) - The code is not suitable for our platform, but we like the functionality. This is something we'd like to investigate doing ourselves in the future.
  • EditNotify - Configuration too complex for setup and maintenance.
  • ExternalData - Too many security concerns to allow it.
  • FixedHeaderTable (GitLab ticket) - We like the idea of the functionality and will implement something similar ourselves.
  • GlobalUsage - Requires too much development work to get it working on our platform that we can't invest at this time. We can revisit it in the future, if there's a strong case for it.
  • Graph - Requires a NodeJS service just to generate a graph. This is too much just to display graphs.
  • Kartographer (GitLab ticket) - We'd rather develop an easier to use tool ourselves for mapping.
  • NewUserMessage - Twitch login integration does not support MediaWiki account creation tracking.
  • NumberFormat - Code quality not up to current MediaWiki standards.
  • PageInCat - Buggy code and unmaintained.
  • PortableInfobox - Not at this time. Requires more discussion on the future of integrated platforms and features.
  • StructuredDiscussions - Not at this time. Requires more discussion on the future of integrated platforms and features.
  • TimedMediaHandler - Functionality included in EmbedVideo.
  • UrlGetParameters - Requires caching to be disabled.
  • Wikibase - Not at this time. Requires more discussion on the future of integrated platforms and features.