Gamepedia Help Wiki

SEO is an extension that provides search-engine optimization (SEO) improvements, including microdata support.

The metadesc tag[]

The metadesc tag adds a meta description to the current page, which search engines may display as the page description in their results.


<metadesc>the description</metadesc>

which adds the following to the head section of the page source:

<meta name="description" content="the description"/>


<metadesc>Basic documentation for the SEO extension used on the Gamepedia platform.</metadesc>

adds the following to the head section of this page's source:

<meta name="description" content="Basic documentation for the SEO extension used on the Gamepedia platform."/>

You can verify this by checking the page source.

The metakeys tag[]

The metakeys tag adds a meta description to the current page, which search engines may display as the page description in their results.



which adds the following to the head section of the page source:

<meta name="keywords" content="keyword1,keyword2,keyword3"/>




adds the following to the head section of this page's source:

<meta name="keywords" content="SEO,meta,metadesc,metakeys"/>

You can verify this by checking the page source.

Automatic itemprop Tags/Attributes[]

There are currently 5 automatically-placed itemprop attributes:

  • <meta itemprop="author" content="Gamepedia" /> is placed in the <head> of the page.
  • itemprop="url" is placed on a <a> tags on the page.
  • itemprop="datePublished" is placed on a <time> element that the SEO extension wraps around the date/time in li#footer-info-lastmod. This is specific to each article.
  • itemprop="articleBody" is placed on div#content.
  • itemprop="name" is placed on h1#firstHeading.

External links[]
